Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kristopher's Personal Science Blog

My Personal Science Blog 

by: Kristopher Torres


This unit we discussed,worked on,and learned about potential and kinetic energy.
  • Description: Potential Energy is stored energy and Kinetic Energy is energy that is moving.


Something that I learned about myself as I worked during this unit is that I actually really like science.


I think that if someone were to look at my work they would learn that I am not always accurate due to the fact that i rush through my work.


Something that I've seen a classmate do that I would like to try is taking more time and double-checking my work just like Yasmine and Marjorie do.

Would you rather be a CELEBRITY or a regular person?

I would rather be a celebrity for many reasons. I would be able to make more money just because of my fame and I can become a legend in whatever I participate in (ex. NBA). The first place I would travel to is Puerto Rico because I am Puerto Rican but I have never been to Puerto Rico so I'd like to go to the place that my family is from.

The celebrity I would wanna be is...

Image result for paul pierce celtics shooting a 3

Paul Pierce!